A mystical, cheerful, and naive young woman who lived her first 16 years of life as a boy, but began to experience a female puberty and an overall changed body soon after her older sister, Josefina's, untimely death, with the two events being linked due to her sister's ghost finding a home in Winnifred's body, and needing such a vessel to finish her unfinished business, which may or may not have a lot to do with the sisters' very own father, SeƱior Jorge Zamora.
Winnie often finds herself misunderstanding the physical changes and strange dreams as coming from God himself, and wants to devote herself to him as a Nun, but she may soon find out the real reason behind these spiritual awakenings as coming from a somewhat more familiar source afterall...
She also has POTS, but due to fact that that isnt a diagnosis yet during her time, shes often just described as "weak" or "sickly" by herself or others in some way, despite being able to show a decent amount of physical strength when able due to her upbringing as the child of a worker on a hacienda in rural central Mexico.